Fan Content Policy 


Section 1 – General Rules

1.1 You may create Fan Content based on Next Genium IP as long as you comply with this Policy. Any Fan Content that violates this Policy or the applicable laws of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is prohibited.

1.2 This Policy applies only to Next Genium IP that you access pursuant to Our Terms of Use and/or other agreements you have with Us.

1.3 All Fan Content must be appropriate for the audience of the Next Genium IP and consistent with the spirit and tone of the Next Genium IP (as determined by Next Genium). Fan Content must comply with applicable law, including UAE laws on intellectual property, defamation, and public decency. Fan Content must not violate the rights of others and must not be obscene, sexually explicit, defamatory, offensive, objectionable, or harmful to others.

1.4 Fan Content must have no commercial (i.e., monetary) objective. As an exception, individual fans are permitted to monetize web videos (such as on YouTube) with advertisements so long as those videos otherwise meet the requirements of this Policy.

1.5 Next Genium, at its sole discretion, can revoke your permission to create Fan Content at any time and for any reason, especially if the Fan Content violates UAE law or this Policy.

1.6 You may not say nor imply that your Fan Content is endorsed or approved by Next Genium. You are solely responsible for any of your Fan Content and any legal consequences arising from it.

1.7 Your Fan Content may not include links to any website that promotes or exploits cheats or hacks to Our games.

1.8 You may not create or use any Fan Content in a manner that could cause people to believe that it is an official Next Genium production. For example, a fan website may not be designed to look like an official Next Genium website, and it must be clear to visitors that the website is not a Next Genium website.

1.9 You may not use any Next Genium IP in any manner that is derogatory to Next Genium or that may damage the value, reputation, or goodwill of Next Genium or its products or brands (as determined by Next Genium).

1.10 You must display the following disclaimer on or in connection with your Fan Content, including on any web page containing your Fan Content:

“Portions of the materials used are trademarks and/or copyrighted works of Next Genium FZCO. All rights reserved by Next Genium FZCO. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Next Genium FZCO.”

1.11 If you use Next Genium logos, game titles, character names, or other trademarks (“Marks”) in connection with your Fan Content, you must follow these rules:

— Marks must be used only in connection with the discussion of the Next Genium products or business they represent. Do not use Marks to identify or promote yourself, your Fan Content, or any other products or business.

— Marks must be used in a manner that will enhance and not damage the reputation and goodwill associated with the Marks.

— Do not use any Marks in the name of a website unless it is clear from the name that the website is not an official Next Genium website.

— Do not register or use any domain name that is confusingly similar to our domain names.

— Do not alter any Marks, even in terms of colors.

Section 2 – Legal Compliance and Liability

2.1 Your use of any Next Genium IP is subject to our Terms of Use and other agreements you may have with Next Genium regarding the websites, games, and other materials from which you access the Next Genium IP. These agreements include important legal terms (such as limitations of liability, disclaimers of warranties, and dispute resolution) that comply with UAE law, so please review those agreements carefully before creating any Fan Content.

2.2 You are solely responsible for ensuring that your Fan Content complies with all applicable UAE laws, including but not limited to those related to intellectual property rights, defamation, and public decency. Any legal consequences arising from your Fan Content are your responsibility.

2.3 We reserve the right to take legal action against you for your misuse of Next Genium IP, especially in cases where such misuse violates UAE laws.

Section 3 – Protection of Privacy and Data

3.1 When creating Fan Content, you must ensure that you respect the privacy and data protection rights of others, in compliance with UAE data protection laws. This includes obtaining necessary permissions before using any personal data in your Fan Content.

Section 4 – Notifications and Modifications

4.1 In the event that your Fan Content violates this Policy or UAE law, Next Genium will notify you and provide a reasonable time frame to correct the violation before taking further action.