Blue Book

Blue Book


Blue Book is a point & click quest with deck-builder elements based on the most famous incidents involving the intervention of aliens. Under the control of the player will be Bill Casey, an FBI agent who has arrived in a city gripped by an epidemic of sudden murders. But crime scenes contain not only traces of alien influence, but also secrets of the hero's own past.

A distinctive feature of the project is a unique system of "Mentalism". Bill's special training allows him to read the thoughts and emotions of his interlocutors, as well as influence them. In the gameplay, these features are reflected through a system of special maps. Thanks to her, the conversation literally turns into a fight.

  • Platforms: PCs, consoles
  • Engine: Godot
  • The approximate release date of the demo is 2024
  • Sources of inspiration: Disco Elysium, isometric quests

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